
General, Administrative Support, Bookkeeping, Email Marketing and Management, Graphic Design, SEO, Social Media Management, Video Editing, Web Design 12 Common Tasks to Outsource to a Virtual Assistant to Save 35+ Hours Each Month

Virtual Assistant outlining tasks. Visual Insights Outsource.



Hello, busy CEOs, business owners, and the trailblazers of ecommerce and retail! Let’s talk about our modern-day superheroes: Virtual Assistants (VAs).

Imagine waving a magic wand and making those pesky, time-consuming tasks vanish while you focus on scaling your empire. Sounds dreamy, right? Well, that’s almost what outsourcing to a Virtual Assistant feels like, minus the wand but equally magical.

In a world where time is the new currency, the smartest players in the business arena are those who master the art of delegation. And who better to delegate to than a Virtual Assistant? By offloading just a few tasks, you could be looking at saving upwards of 35+ hours each month. Let’s dive into how this is not just a wild guess but a reality for many.


1. Email Management: Your Inbox, Tamed

Remember the last time you saw your inbox hit zero? No? Well, neither do we. But with a Virtual Assistant, this mythical state is not only possible; it’s within reach. Virtual Assistants can take the avalanche of emails off your shoulders by sorting, filing, responding to non-urgent ones, and flagging the messages that deserve your golden touch.

By setting up smart email filters, managing those never-ending subscriptions, and crafting standard replies for common inquiries, a VA can easily shave off 5 hours from your weekly grind. That’s 20 hours a month you just saved for brainstorming your next big move or, dare we say, taking a well-deserved break!


2. Calendar Management and Scheduling: Master Your Time

If you’ve ever felt like a circus juggler trying to keep your schedule from crashing down, it’s time to pass the baton. Virtual Assistants are wizards at organizing schedules, booking appointments, and sending those crucial reminders so you don’t end up video calling from the wrong timezone.

Their expertise doesn’t stop there. Coordinating meetings across time zones, scheduling client calls, and ensuring you have that precious time for strategic planning are just the tip of the iceberg. With an estimated 4 hours saved per week, you might actually have time to eat lunch away from your desk!


3. Social Media Management: Your Brand, Amplified

In the digital age, a strong social media presence is non-negotiable. But let’s be real, keeping up with the constant need for engaging content, scheduling posts, and interacting with your followers can feel like feeding a beast that’s never satisfied. Enter your Virtual Assistant, the social media maestro.

By planning content calendars, analyzing engagement data, and managing the day-to-day interactions with your audience, a VA can transform your social media game. This isn’t just about keeping the lights on; it’s about strategically growing your brand while you focus on the bigger picture. And with an estimated 6 hours saved each week, you might just find yourself inventing the next big trend instead of trying to catch up with it.


4. Customer Service and Support: Delighting Every Customer

Ever felt like you’re playing whack-a-mole with customer inquiries and feedback? It’s crucial, yet managing it can be a whirlwind that devours your time. This is where a Virtual Assistant becomes your customer service champion. By handling support tickets, engaging in live chat support, and following up to ensure customer satisfaction, VAs help maintain the lifeblood of your business – happy customers.

Imagine a world where every customer feels heard, and issues are resolved so smoothly they think it’s magic. That’s the kind of world a VA can help create, saving you around 5 hours a week. This means more time for you to focus on strategy and less time worrying if customer #453 was ever replied to.


5. Research Tasks: The Backbone of Informed Decisions

Research is the unsung hero behind every successful business decision. Yet, it’s a time sink. VAs can dive into the depths of the internet to bring you pearls of wisdom. Whether it’s conducting detailed market research, performing competitor analysis, or sourcing new products and services, a VA can arm you with the data you need.

Need to know the latest trends in your industry or find a supplier that matches your ethics and budget? A Virtual Assistant can compile this info, saving you around 4 hours a week. That’s not just saving time; it’s ensuring you’re always steps ahead of the competition.


6. Data Entry and Management: Your Data, Masterfully Managed

In the digital world, data is king, but managing it can be a royal pain. Virtual Assistants can take on the laborious task of data entry and management, ensuring your databases are always up to date. From CRM updates and inventory tracking to creating meticulous spreadsheets, a VA ensures that your data is accurate and accessible.

This meticulous management can reclaim around 3 hours of your week, offering you a clearer mind and a more organized database. It’s about making informed decisions faster because your data is neatly laid out, not scattered across countless files.


7. Content Creation and Editing: Crafting Your Voice

Content is the voice of your brand, but crafting that voice takes time and creativity. Virtual Assistants with a flair for writing and design can help create compelling blog posts, newsletters, and even edit videos or podcasts. They can help you draft outlines, design engaging email campaigns, and ensure your content is polished and professional.

By delegating content creation and editing, you could be looking at saving approximately 4 hours each week. This allows you to focus on the message you want to convey, not the commas and call-to-actions.


8. SEO and Website Maintenance: Keeping Your Digital Presence Shiny

In the vast ocean of the internet, SEO is your lighthouse, guiding customers to your shores. But like any lighthouse, it needs maintenance. Virtual Assistants can perform keyword research, update plugins and themes, and check for broken links to ensure your website is not just visible but vibrant.

The magic here isn’t just in optimizing content; it’s in maintaining a digital presence that’s always bright and functioning, saving you around 3 hours a week. It’s about peace of mind, knowing your digital doorstep is always welcoming and searchable.


9. Bookkeeping and Financial Tasks: Your Finances, Flawlessly Organized

Keeping the financial side of your business in order is like walking a tightrope. It’s all about balance. Virtual Assistants can help manage invoices, process payments, and track expenses, ensuring you’re not only balanced but also financially sound. By reconciling bank statements, preparing financial reports, and aiding in budget planning, a VA can give you a clear picture of your financial health.

This not only saves around 3 hours a week but also keeps financial surprises at bay, allowing you to focus on growth rather than grappling with numbers. It’s about having a clear financial roadmap, not a tangled web of receipts and invoices.


10. Personal Tasks: Your Life, Organized

In the hustle of running a business, personal tasks often fall by the wayside. However, a well-rounded life fuels success. Virtual Assistants can manage those personal tasks too, from booking travel and organizing appointments to online shopping for the perfect gift.

Finding travel deals, scheduling health appointments, or even snagging that hard-to-find item online can all be handled by a VA, saving you around 2 hours a week. This ensures that while your business thrives, your personal life doesn’t take a backseat.


11. Project Management: Keeping Your Projects on Track

Managing projects can be like herding cats. But with a Virtual Assistant skilled in project management, you can keep your projects—and your sanity—intact. VAs can oversee projects, coordinate with team members, and track progress, ensuring everything moves smoothly towards the finish line.

Setting project timelines, updating task lists, and organizing virtual meetings are just the start. With a VA’s help, you can save approximately 4 hours a week, ensuring projects are not just completed but executed with excellence.


12. Lead Generation and Outreach: Expanding Your Reach

The lifeblood of any business is its customers. Finding them, however, requires skill and time. Virtual Assistants can spearhead your lead generation and outreach efforts, identifying potential clients, reaching out to prospects, and following up on leads. Using tools like LinkedIn for networking, sending personalized cold emails, and tracking responses can all be managed by a VA.

This proactive approach to lead generation and outreach can carve out an extra 4 hours a week for you, focusing on closing deals rather than finding leads. It’s about growing your business by expanding your reach, not your workload.

Virtual Assistant team discussing strategic time investments. Visual Insights Outsource.

Conclusion: The Gift of Time and Productivity

Embracing the support of a Virtual Assistant can be a game-changer for you and your business. It’s not just about saving time;  it’s about strategic time investment in areas that fuel your business’s growth, and most importantly, your peace of mind.

So, why not take the leap and see what 35+ extra hours a month feels like?
After all, in the world of business, time isn’t just money; it’s everything!

We encourage you to take a moment and assess your own needs.
Which tasks are currently consuming your time that could be expertly managed by a VA?
Start small if you need to, with one or two tasks, and as you grow more comfortable, expand the range of tasks you delegate.

Book a FREE Discovery Session with us and see if we can help you.

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